French Twinning Club Year 3, 4 & 5
I am pleased to let you know that we will be starting this new club on Thursday 23rd February 2017.
Who will be running the club? This is a new club and will be run by Nike Westman (French Teacher, Year 6) and Sally-Ann White (parent). The aim of the club is to develop communication with school children in our French twin town, Craon. We will be looking at the similarities and differences between our 2 towns, from the past to modern times, and will explore each other’s language and culture. We are also planning to set up exiting penfriend and Skype links with the French school.
Who is the club for? Year groups 3, 4 and 5
When, where and what? The club will take place in Wild Tor (Year 6) from 3:30 pm each Thursday and will run for 4 weeks, initially, with the hope to continuing into next term. At the end of the club, children to be collected will be brought to the main reception desk at 4:30pm so that we can ensure they have met with the right adult and gone home safely.