Why would I want to join Okehampton Primary School PTFA?
Here at Okehampton, our PTFA would like to welcome all new and existing parents/carers to come and join in with the fun! Whatever your skill set, you might be a creative genius who can conjure up a multitude of fun activities for children, you may be a financial whizz, you may be great at making tea or cakes, a silent observer or the all important extra pair of hands that can give up some spare time to help at PTFA events, everyone is welcome.
Our PTFA works hard to raise funds for vital resources to better the children’s learning and school experience. School should be a happy place for children, so our PTFA also strives to create events/activities that are safe, fun, creative and affordable for all of the children and families who come to this school. The PTFA helps to support links with our local community and makes the most of the facilities we have here in Okehampton.
We know that children do better at school if their parents are engaged in their education and can have a positive input to the quality of their school life. The PTFA can help give you the contact with the school that you might want, to meet teachers and other parents and be involved with what matters most to you.
If any of this interests you then look out for information about our meetings and proposed activities in the school newsletter, on our Facebook page- Okehampton Primary School PTFA https://www.facebook.com/groups/296805714191953 or contact our wonderful Chair of the PTFA Chrissie Read by email okehamptonprimaryPTFA@yahoo.com
School Uniform Ordering
Our PTFA also have a range of good quality second hand uniform available for a donation. Uniform sales are run most Mondays afterschool in the playground.
New uniform can also be purchased from our PTFA who now use Thomas Moore as their supplier. Order forms are available from school reception or can be downloaded from the uniform section of this website.