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Our school vision: With respect, kindness and resilience, we flourish together.


Our school vision is underpinned by the vision of Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust: ‘Everyone in our Trust will flourish, grow and succeed’.

It is our aim for all pupils to make their journey through our school with joy, curiosity and excitement. We are committed to securing exceptional educational standards for all pupils from all backgrounds. Inclusion is at the heart of everything that we do and we celebrate all that we have in common and that which makes us different.


We aim for our children:

To be happy, well-rounded, self-confident and resilient;

To become responsible, mindful, caring and active members of the community and the wider world;

To be able to think and learn independently and develop a love of learning;

To feel included and be supported to flourish as unique individuals;

To be equipped with the learning and life skills needed to keep themselves safe and well prepared for the future and able to positively contribute to society.


Our ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum is designed to challenge children’s thinking, developing understanding which will serve them well in their learning journey to be members of a global society in the 21st century. We encourage our children to be curious, questioning and receptive to other ways of thinking in order to make sense of the world in which they live and embrace our differences. We aim for the culture in our school to promote a sense of belonging that extends to our whole school community. We are committed to a relational approach, encouraging good behaviour and developing self-responsibility and a strong moral compass.  


The ‘toolkit’ which we use to live out our vision is held within the Oke 8 Habits. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., ‘intelligence is not enough; Intelligence plus character… is the goal of true education.


Equality and Diversity


The Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust is built upon the values and principles of the International Co-operative Alliance and as such, has a serious commitment to diversity and equality. It believes that it is essential that equality of opportunity and the absence of unfair discrimination be at the core of all the Trust’s activities. You can read more about how this reflects our legal duties set out in the Equality Act 2010.


As a member of The Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, Okehampton Primary School has adopted the following principles and values:

  • Self-help – we help people to help themselves. We actively encourage children’s leadership in learning. Children learn to be independent and interdependent learners and develop a positive approach to challenges.
  • Self-responsibility – we take responsibility for, and answer to our actions. Democratic participation brings with it accountability and responsibility .We instil confidence in our learners and allow them to be responsible members of society. Children are encouraged to develop a strong commitment to own learning.
  • Democracy – we give our members a say in the way we run our school. Within the School we operate a number of child voice, staff voice and parent voice groups who contribute to the development of the School. Through active contribution and fair exchange of views members exercise their rights and participate in decision making.
  • Equality –the school is open to all. We do not select our children and encourage everyone to participate fully in the curriculum
  • Equity –we ensure fairness. In lessons children are expected to participate, achieve their potential and ensure they support others.
  • Solidarity – we share interests and common purposes with our members and other cooperatives. Through our specialist Guild work and involvement in the Young co- operative movement, we encourage social belonging, connectedness and feelings of empowerment. In our common endeavours we believe we achieve more together than we will alone,


Our ethical values

  • Openness – nobody’s perfect, and we won’t hide it when we’re not
  • Honesty – we are honest about what we do and the way we do it
  • Social responsibility – we encourage people to take responsibility for their own community, and work together to improve it. We face challenges together.
  • Caring for others – we take our responsibility to others seriously, celebrating the achievements of everyone and helping to pick up the pieces when things go wrong.


Read more about our Equality principles in our Equality Policy, follow the page link.
