Home Page

Arch Tor

Welcome to Arch Tor

In Arch Tor, our Nursery teachers are Mrs Suzanne Bristow.  Below you will see the links for our Yearly Curriculum Overview and our class timetable. Scroll down to read all about our learning adventures as the year goes by. 

Our class email address is

EYFS Curriculum Overview

Head over to our Curriculum Overviews page for more information

Home Learning 

Our children do not use Google Classroom, instead, the class teacher will email you any relevant information you may need if your child is isolating. For further information on home learning, head over to our Home Learning page for assistance with guidance, information and helpful links.

EYFS Curriculum

Please head over to our EYFS page to find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Keeping You Up to Date


There are a couple of ways to keep informed with school events.
