Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust
Welcome to Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust. Our Trust was created in January 2018 based on a shared vision, embracing both the Cooperative values and those of our Church of England schools.
We are excited about the opportunities that such a cross phase Trust is able to offer our communities and we are committed to create an ambitious, forward thinking learning environment for all our pupils, students and staff. There will be opportunities for everyone connected to the Trust to grow and develop and therefore fulfil their ambitions.
We now include three secondary schools and 14 primary schools in our Trust, helping just under 5000 children and 720 staff to thrive - this is a truly exciting Trust to be involved with. We welcome your interest in joining us whether as a pupil, parent, member of staff or a governor so please look out for the opportunities when they arise.
The Trust will have a co-operative ethos incorporating British values and retain the ethos of each school including church schools.
The Trust will be cross phase; from pre-school to age 19. We will educate the whole child through a rich and deep curriculum.
The Trust will be underpinned by a top quality Teaching School (The Dartmoor Teaching School Alliance).
The Trust will mirror existing staff terms and conditions and will recognise from the outset the importance of retaining and attracting staff of the highest calibre.
We believe in the benefits to the community of local schools and would therefore always attempt to maintain rural schools subject to their viability
For more information, please visit the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust website.