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Forms and Application Packs

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  • Please contact us, if you are unable to download any of our PDF files, we can offer you an alternative format. 
  • Please contact us, if you would like a free paper copy of any of the information that you see on our website.


We can be contacted by telephone on 01837 52866 or email:

Absence and Attendance

Offsite Activities and Photo Consent (Parental Consent)

Medicine Consent

The Medical consent form is included within the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust, Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicines Policy. Please click here to download a copy.

Alternatively, if you have any problems downloading this form, please contact the admin team on 01837 52866 or email: to request a copy.

Walking to and from School Consent

Priority Contact Form

Priority Contact Information


We are in the process of changing our documentation with our new email details. Please contact us for the latest copy by phone on 01837 52866 or email:

Chromebook Permissions

Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust recognises the value of technology in children’s learning and development. The Acceptable Use Policy explains our expectations for how pupils use IT both in schools and during remote learning.


Mobile Use Consent Form
Free School Meals Application
Before and After School Care Club Forms

Nursery Application Pack

If there is anything that you need more information about, please contact the school office on 01837 52866 or email:

For more information on the admission process, please follow the page link to Admissions.

For more information on the Early Years and Foundations Stage Curriculum, please follow the page link.

Reception Application Support Pack

If you have any questions and would like to talk to one of our team, please contact us on 01837 52866 or email:

For more information on the admission process, please follow the page link to Admissions.

For more information on the Early Years and Foundations Stage Curriculum, please follow the page link.