My name is Greta Button, I am Okehampton Primary School's Parent Support Advisor. I've listed below some frequently asked questions about my role, but do feel free to either pop in and see me if you have any further questions or suggestions. You can contact me at the school on 01837 52866 or email me on
What does a Parent Support Advisor do?
Your Parent Support Advisor is here to offer support, guidance and a listening ear to parents/carers of school children.
The service is confidential and can support you with
How does a Parent Support Advisor Work?
Parent Support Advisors give support to families in many different ways, including:
When I Might Need the Parent Support Advisor?
Common Questions, that are frequently asked.........
Useful Links
Below you will find some useful links to some issues that you may have come across. Please get in touch if you have any questions. If I can't help, then I can pass you onto a team member that can.
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Help with Safeguarding, Links and Information
Please follow the page link, for more information regarding safeguarding, here at Okehampton Primary School.